Herman Rojas
Herman Rojas specializes in the areas of Public Law, Regulated Markets and Dispute Resolution. Law firm associate since July 2021. Previously, he acted as associate at Claro & Cía. Law Firm in the area of Public and Administrative Law (2018-2021).
- Master of Laws (LLM) in Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022.
- Law Degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018 (graduated summa cum laude).
- Admitted as attorney by the Supreme Court of Chile, 2012.
Awards and Recognitions
- “Professor José Luis Cea Egaña” Award, to the Law Master’s student with the highest GPA among those who graduated from the same program and year (2023). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Memberships & Academic Activities
- Teacher assistant of Civil Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019 a 2020.
- Teacher assistant of Constitutional Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2015 a 2017.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association
- Spanish and English.
- “Funas: ¿conflicto de derechos entre libertad de expresión y el derecho a la honra? (SCS Rol 58.531-2020)”, en Van Weezel, Alex and others(edits.): Sentencias Destacadas 2020. Una Mirada desde la Perspectiva de las Políticas Públicas (Santiago, Ediciones LYD). Coauthor with Karina Henríquez Castillo.